Square Cotton Vintage Doily Lamp Shade Cover

This was such an easy and inexpensive DIY project. The vintage doily was purchased for 50 cents and the lamp shade form I found for $3. Here's how I put the two together....

I used a small utility knife to literally shred the old worn silk lamp shade cover. Keep in mind this project requires a lamp shade form with both a top and bottom ring with adjoining ribs (spokes, if you will.) Then I used the knife to scrape away any remaining glue residue on the form. 

To prepare the lamp shade form to accept the spray paint, I first applied a coating of metal primer. This was followed with two light coatings of flat white spray paint.


I next treated the vintage doily by mixing a batch of fabric starch or you can purchase it already prepared in liquid form. (See the easy directions for preparing and starching doilies by following this recipe.) After the starching treatment, the crocheted doily was draped over the clean lamp shade form. I gently stretched the doily so all edges of the wire form were covered and secured these shorter sections with small pins until the doily was completely dry. (Because the doily is square shaped and the lamp shade form is circular, the doily ends up with four corners cascading over the rim.)

All I had left to do was secure the form to the bamboo floor lamp my husband made for me. (neat huh?) :) Basically, you can follow these same guidelines to make your own custom lamp shade cover with vintage doilies. Just make sure the size of the doily fits well over the form. Best of all, this lamp shade cover doesn't need dry cleaning. When it gets dirty, take it off, wash, starch and you're all set.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Linking to Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest and I'm also participating in New Friend Friday and Trendy Treehouse's Follow Me Friday. This is also my first time at partying with Follow Friday 40 and Over! Plus....joining in a Round Robin at Keeping up with the Schultz Family and an impromptu party at Handmade by Annabelle. On Saturday, I'm linking to Funky Junk's Saturday Night Special and ending up on Sunday with the Sunday Showcase Party hosted by Stephanie Lynn at Under the Table and Dreaming. Come join us!


  1. Beautiful remake, the perfect recycled project and nice use of vintage doily. My mom would love this1

  2. aloha :) i found you through follow me friday, and i'm a new follower. come visit my home too.

    happy friday.

  3. Very Victorian.....Simple and elegant!

  4. New follower from New Friend Friday!

    I love garage sales. You can always find the neatest stuff! I also really like Goodwill for the same reason ;)


  5. Happy Friday, and thanks for following, following you back...this is a great project to link to my party going on...I would love to have you, and you will be certain to make some more new blogging friends:)

  6. Following you from FF. Please visit me when you have the chance and follow!

    xo Erin

  7. What a darling shade you have created!!I love old lace and doilies and have a ton of them so am going to have to try this out!!

  8. Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing it with us. Also, thank you for the follow....I'm following you now too.

  9. Ooo...I love this!! What a great idea. Goodness, there are so many possibilities with this!

  10. What a great idea, although I'd be afraid I'd starch my fingers together (but I'll bet it washes off). I have a big collection of doilies so perhaps I'll give it a try one of these days. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Opps I goofed on my last comment!!!

    Anyhow, thanks for stopping by the Over 40 Bloggers I added your blog to the list!!

    Thanks for joining the party and I'm looking forward to our new friendship!

    Hope you get lots of followers from it!

    I am now following you! Please follow me back if you'd like!

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and becoming a follower. I need all the help I can get and I appreciate all comments so again thank you. I am enjoying your blog as well. Keep up the good work.

  14. OH my...how creative and beautiful! Absolutely love it!!! Dropping by from Follow Friday 40 and Over, your newest follower. Hope you'll stop by my blog as well. http://logicandimagination.blogspot.com

  15. Love this idea - such a soft and romantic look to it!

    Stopping by from Follow Friday Over 40 - and now following! Looking forward to getting to know you better! Thanks for linking up this week.

  16. Hi Pam!!

    You are so so right! I have the same trouble finding people and so I will go and add that into the post and keep it there every week!!

    Thanks so much for the suggestion!!!

  17. Hello Pam,
    I say you on Java's page. I not over 40 but I would love for you to come and link up this amazing idea for my Round Robin.. I loved it.. I am now going to follow you also.. Have a great night..

  18. Thanks for the follow ....following you back!

    Beautiful lamp shade!

  19. Yeah... I am so glad you came on by and linked up.. Have a great night..

  20. Thanks for trying to follow me. If you ever have a problem with GOOGLE FRIEND, just click on my button (on the right hand side) which directs the page into typepad and seems to refresh my google box!


  21. It looks so vintage-y. Thanks for the DIY!

    Lots of love,

  22. Hi dearie! Thanks for following my blog.

    Yes, Baguio City is a mountainous city. It's the same place you visited 30 years ago. :)

    Lots of love,

  23. Golden - Thanks so much for messaging me back; that is really fun to see the pictures of Baguio City now. And thanks for following me too. Aloha for now! Pam

  24. I love the look of this! I would love it if you'd link up to our Saturday Spotlights party!

    Great idea!!!

  25. Oh that's very pretty! I love the way it looks with the light on and off! Nice job!

  26. Great idea! I bet it looks amazing with the light shining through! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  27. Very pretty and what a unique idea. Cool.

    Thanks for adding your link to my BLOG LINK PARTY!

  28. This is beautiful! I googled DIY crocheted lamp shades and got your blog. So simple, yet so pretty. I also pinned you on pinterest. Hope you get some traffic.

  29. I love love what you did with the lamp shade....I'm crazy about lace and doilies. Was wondering, did this lamp shade have a finial on top? Was wondering also how to do a shade with a square see-thru scarf...would it be kinda the same way? Thx for sharing a great idea !!!


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